Reporting on Homelessness: Data Analysis for Journalists

Jour 405v, Jour 5003, Spring 2020

Analysis of San Francisco Police Calls for Service Data

  • Here is the original dataset: 3,048,797 records

  • This tutorial uses a subset of this data

    The Calls for Service were filtered as follows: CONTAINS homeless, 915, 919, 920: Downloaded 157,237 records 3/31/16 to 11/30/2019. This is 5.1% of all calls in the broader database. File renamed to: SF_311_Jan29.xlsx

Part 1: Quick Start

## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.0 ──
## ✓ ggplot2 3.2.1     ✓ purrr   0.3.3
## ✓ tibble  2.1.3     ✓ dplyr   0.8.4
## ✓ tidyr   1.0.0     ✓ stringr 1.4.0
## ✓ readr   1.3.1     ✓ forcats 0.4.0
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## x dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
## Attaching package: 'janitor'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     chisq.test, fisher.test
## Attaching package: 'lubridate'
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
##     date

Reload Data

SF <- rio::import("", which = "SF Police_Department_Calls_for_") 
  • Clean names, Process dates
SF <- janitor::clean_names(SF)
#Process dates
SF$call_date2 <- ymd(SF$call_date)
SF$year <- year(SF$call_date2)
  • Process dates
Days <- SF %>% 
  count(call_date2) %>% 
  group_by(call_date2) %>% 
  • Types of Crimes
Types <- SF %>% count(original_crime_type_name) %>% 
  group_by(original_crime_type_name) %>% 
  • Calls by Year
Years <- SF %>% 
  count(year) %>% 
  group_by(year) %>% 
  • Actions Taken
Action <- SF %>% 
  count(disposition) %>% 

Part 2: Cleaning & Analysis

  • Question: How many rows? Columns? Supply a list of the column names

nrow(SF) [1] 157237 > ncol(SF) [1] 14

Process dates, check file types

## 'data.frame':    157237 obs. of  16 variables:
##  $ crime_id                : num  1.9e+08 1.9e+08 1.9e+08 1.9e+08 1.9e+08 ...
##  $ original_crime_type_name: chr  "919" "Homeless Complaint" "Homeless Complaint" "915" ...
##  $ report_date             : POSIXct, format: "2019-01-04" "2019-01-20" ...
##  $ call_date               : POSIXct, format: "2019-01-04" "2019-01-20" ...
##  $ offense_date            : POSIXct, format: "2019-01-04" "2019-01-20" ...
##  $ call_time               : POSIXct, format: "1899-12-31 06:58:00" "1899-12-31 06:19:00" ...
##  $ call_date_time          : POSIXct, format: "2019-01-04 06:58:00" "2019-01-20 06:19:00" ...
##  $ disposition             : chr  "HAN" "HAN" "ADV" "HAN" ...
##  $ address                 : chr  "400 Block Of Jones St" "8th And Market" "Mission St/24th St" "Alabama St/23rd St" ...
##  $ city                    : chr  "San Francisco" NA "San Francisco" "San Francisco" ...
##  $ state                   : chr  "CA" "CA" "CA" "CA" ...
##  $ agency_id               : num  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ address_type            : chr  "Premise Address" "Geo-Override" "Intersection" "Intersection" ...
##  $ common_location         : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ call_date2              : Date, format: "2019-01-04" "2019-01-20" ...
##  $ year                    : num  2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 ...

Examine how we have created a new date and year column and how they are formatted differently than the rest We can now perform date and year calculations Create Days Table

  • Question: Using the summary() function, describe the minimum, maximum, median and mean of calls in the Days table
##    call_date2               n        
##  Min.   :2016-03-31   Min.   : 10.0  
##  1st Qu.:2017-02-28   1st Qu.: 86.0  
##  Median :2018-01-29   Median :119.0  
##  Mean   :2018-01-29   Mean   :117.3  
##  3rd Qu.:2018-12-30   3rd Qu.:148.0  
##  Max.   :2019-11-30   Max.   :232.0

Between March 31, 2016 and Nov. 30, 2019, San Francisco residents placed an average 117 calls to police complaining about homeless people.

  • Question: Which day had the most calls? Which day had the least?
Days %>% 
  filter(n == 232)
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
## # Groups:   call_date2 [1]
##   call_date2     n
##   <date>     <int>
## 1 2019-08-15   232
Days %>% 
  filter(n == 10)
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
## # Groups:   call_date2 [1]
##   call_date2     n
##   <date>     <int>
## 1 2016-03-31    10

Examine the types of events

Types <- SF %>% count(original_crime_type_name) %>% 
  group_by(original_crime_type_name) %>% 
  • Question: What are the top five complaints in this data and provide the number of complaints
Types <- SF %>% count(original_crime_type_name) %>% 
  group_by(original_crime_type_name) %>% 

Create separate table with just the top five counties’ crime rate: dplyr has a “top_n” function that i find handy

Types <- SF %>% 
  count(original_crime_type_name) %>% 
  top_n(5, n) %>% 

Export a table into a spreadsheet (csv is a comma separated file)


Build a table totalling the number of complaints by year

Years <- SF %>% 
  count(year) %>% 
  group_by(year) %>% 
  • EXERCISE: Grouping by Disposition

Look at the Radio Codes spreadsheet under dispositions

Total by disposition

Action <- SF %>% 
  count(disposition) %>% 

Ceate a table with serious infractions described in disposition

Example: Here’s a table filtering the dispositions column to show “no disposition” or “gone on arrival”

Nothing <- SF %>% 
  filter(disposition == "ND" | disposition == "GOA")
  • Question: Create a table with the serious actions including citations and arrests police took in the dispositions

Arrest, Cited, Criminal Activation, SF Fire Dept Medical Staff engaged

Busted <- SF %>% 
  filter(disposition == "ARR" | disposition == "CIT" | disposition == "CRM" | disposition == "SFD") %>% 
  count(disposition) %>% 
  • EXERCISE - A Basic chart of the crime data
ggplot(Years, aes(x = year, y = n)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  #coord_flip() +    #this makes it a horizontal bar chart instead of vertical
  labs(title = "Homeless Calls Per Year, San Francisco", 
       subtitle = "SF PD Service Call Data, 3/2016-11/2019",
       caption = "Graphic by Wells",
       y="Number of Calls",

A chart using a dplyr filtering language

Years %>% 
  filter(year >= 2017) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = n)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  #coord_flip() +    #this makes it a horizontal bar chart instead of vertical
  labs(title = "Homeless Calls After 2017, San Francisco", 
       subtitle = "SF PD Service Call Data, 2017-2019",
       caption = "Graphic by Wells",
       y="Number of Calls",

A more complex filter

SF %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  count(common_location) %>% 
  top_n(10, n) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = common_location, y = n)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  coord_flip() +    #this makes it a horizontal bar chart instead of vertical
  labs(title = "Popular Spots for Homeless, San Francisco", 
       subtitle = "SF PD Service Call Data, 2016-2019",
       caption = "Graphic by Wells",
       y="Number of Calls",

  • Question: Chart the total dispositions.

Filter for at least 100 actions. Add color, export image to Blackboard.

Action %>% 
  filter(n > 100) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = reorder(disposition, n), y = n, fill=n)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", show.legend = FALSE) +
  coord_flip() +    #this makes it a horizontal bar chart instead of vertical
  labs(title = "Action on Homeless Calls, San Francisco", 
       subtitle = "SF PD Service Call Data, 3/2016-11/2019",
       caption = "Graphic by Wells",
       y="Number of Calls",

Part 3: Cleaning Dispositions

Making our charts less ugly

The disposition column is in cop-speak. We need to clean it up

Step #1: Duplicate the column you want to mess with

SF$disposition1 <- SF$disposition

Rename specific strings. Example:

str_replace_all(test.vector, pattern=fixed(‘-’), replacement=fixed(‘:’) )

Details on string manipulation:

We can do this to replace ABA with “Abated”

SF$disposition1 <- str_replace_all(SF$disposition1, pattern=fixed('ABA'), replacement=fixed('Abated') )
#Again with ADM
SF$disposition1 <- str_replace_all(SF$disposition1, pattern=fixed('ADM'), replacement=fixed('Admonished') )

We can do that 19 times. OR….

Look at this example using a lookup table to replace all the values

Build a table to translate the Cop Speak to English:

dispo_lkup <- c(ABA="Abated", ADM="Admonish", ADV="Advised", ARR="Arrest", CAN="Cancel", CSA="CPSA", 
                CIT="Cited", CRM="Criminal", GOA="Gone", HAN="Handled", NCR="No_Criminal", ND="No_Dispo", 
                NOM="No_Merit", PAS="PlaceSecure", REP="Report", SFD="Medical", UTL="Unfound", VAS="Vehicle_Secure", '22'="Cancel")

#22="Cancel" was handled differently because it is a numeric value: '22'="Cancel"

#This scans "disposition", finds ABA and replaces with Abated, finds ARR, replaces with Arrest, etc
SF$disposition1 <- as.character(dispo_lkup[SF$disposition])

Rerun Action with disposition1

Action <- SF %>% 
  count(disposition1) %>% 

Compare our renamed variables to the original disposition

Action <- SF %>% 
  count(disposition1, disposition) %>% 

We have codes not listed on the sheet

NA Not recorded 4339

Get rid of the space

SF$disposition <- gsub("Not recorded", "Not_Recorded", SF$disposition)

Add to the list

dispo_lkup <- c(ABA="Abated", ADM="Admonish", ADV="Advised", ARR="Arrest", CAN="Cancel", CSA="CPSA", 
                CIT="Cited", CRM="Criminal", GOA="Gone", HAN="Handled", NCR="No_Criminal", ND="No_Dispo", 
                NOM="No_Merit", PAS="PlaceSecure", REP="Report", SFD="Medical", UTL="Unfound", 
                VAS="Vehicle_Secure", '22'="Cancel", Not_Recorded="NotRecorded")


Action <- SF %>% 
  count(disposition1) %>% 

Chart Dispositions

Action %>% 
  filter(n > 100) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = reorder(disposition1, n), y = n, fill=n)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", show.legend = FALSE) +
  coord_flip() +    #this makes it a horizontal bar chart instead of vertical
  labs(title = "Action on Homeless Calls, San Francisco", 
       subtitle = "SF PD Service Call Data, 3/2016-11/2019",
       caption = "Graphic by Wells",
       y="Number of Calls",

- Parse out police codes from narrative: original_crime_type_name Look at the Types table: some columns have one code, some have two. 919 2879 915 Sleeper 290

Some are separated by a slash 915/919 161

We need to unpack that - Cleaning Sequence

#convert all text to lowercase
SF$crime1 <- tolower(SF$original_crime_type_name)
#Replace / with a space
SF$crime1 <- gsub("/", " ", SF$crime1)
#Replace '
SF$crime1 <- gsub("'", "", SF$crime1)
#fix space in homeless complaint
SF$crime1 <- gsub("homeless complaint", "homeless_complaint", SF$crime1)
#split data into two columns
SF <- separate(data = SF, col = crime1, into = c("crime2", "crime3", "crime4"), sep = " ", extra = "merge", fill = "right")

Look at the categories now

Types2 <- SF %>% count(crime2) %>% 
  group_by(crime2) %>% 
  • Question Take the top 10 crime categories from Type2
    Relabel them from the numeric radio codes into English
    Using the technique earlier in “Build a table to translate the Cop Speak to English”
    Relabel the offenses
clean <- c(homeless_complaint="homeless_complaint", '915'="homeless_call", '919'="sit_lying", '920'="aggress_solicit", '915s'="homeless_call", '915x'="homeless_call", drugs="drugs", '601'="trespasser",
           poss="poss", aggressive="aggressive", '811'="intoxicated")
SF$crime2 <- as.character(clean[SF$crime2])

Look at the categories now

Types2 <- SF %>% count(crime2) %>% 
  group_by(crime2) %>% 
  • Question: Make a chart from your cleaned data

Basic chart but with a messed up x axis

Types2 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = crime2, y = n, fill=n)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  coord_flip() +    #this makes it a horizontal bar chart instead of vertical
  labs(title = "Top 10 Homeless Complaints, San Francisco", 
       subtitle = "SF PD Service Call Data, 3/2016-11/2019",
       caption = "Graphic by Wells",
       y="Number of Calls",

Chart with a fixed x axis scale; No values filtered out; Labels added to bars

Types2 %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  #filter(crime2!=" ") %>%  - a crude alternative to previous line!
  ggplot(aes(x = reorder(crime2, n), y = n, fill=n)) + #reorder sorts the bars
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_text(aes(label = n), hjust = -.1, size = 3) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, 175000)) + #fixes scientific notation
  coord_flip() +    #this makes it a horizontal bar chart instead of vertical
  labs(title = "Top 10 Homeless Complaints, San Francisco", 
       subtitle = "SF PD Service Call Data, 3/2016-11/2019",
       caption = "Graphic by Wells",
       y="Number of Calls",

Part 4: Using Mutate, Pct Calcs

mutate - Create new column(s) in the data, or change existing column(s).

mutate() adds new variables and preserves existing

Example: mtcars <- View(mtcars)

mtcars2 <- mtcars %>% as_tibble() %>% mutate( cyl2 = cyl * 2, cyl4 = cyl2 * 2 )

Process dates using lubidate

SF <- SF %>% 
  mutate(yearmo = format(call_date, "%Y-%m"))

Chart the number of calls by year and month

SF %>% 
  count(yearmo) %>% 
  group_by(yearmo) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = yearmo, y = n, fill=n)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90)) +
  #Changes angle of x axis labels
  #coord_flip() +    #this makes it a horizontal bar chart instead of vertical
  labs(title = "Homeless Calls After 2017, San Francisco", 
       subtitle = "SF PD Service Call Data by Month 2017-2019",
       caption = "Graphic by Wells",
       y="Number of Calls",

Percentage change per month

  select(original_crime_type_name, disposition, address, call_date2, yearmo) %>% 
  count(yearmo) %>% 
  mutate(difference = (n-lag(n))) %>% 
  mutate(pct_change = (difference/abs(lag(n)))*100)
  • Use grepl to search and tabulate

grep and grepl: see ??grep

Cleaning Sequence

#convert all text to lowercase
SF$crime1 <- tolower(SF$original_crime_type_name)
  • Search for term, rename, put in new column called “cleaned”
x915 <- SF %>% 
  filter(grepl ("915", original_crime_type_name)) %>% 
  mutate(cleaned = "homeless_complaint")

x919 <- SF %>% 
  filter(grepl ("919", original_crime_type_name)) %>% 
  mutate(cleaned = "sitting_lying")

xsleep <- SF %>% 
  filter(grepl ("sleep", original_crime_type_name)) %>% 
  mutate(cleaned = "sleep")

xaggr <- SF %>% 
  filter(grepl ("aggr", original_crime_type_name)) %>% 
  mutate(cleaned = "aggressive")

xdrug <- SF %>% 
  filter(grepl ("drug", original_crime_type_name)) %>% 
  mutate(cleaned = "drug")

xhomeless <- SF %>% 
  filter(grepl ("homeless_complaint", crime2)) %>% 
  mutate(cleaned = "homeless_complaint")

#Moe, Brooke's Work: 
xnoise <- SF %>% 
  filter(grepl ("415", original_crime_type_name)) %>% 
  mutate(cleaned = "noise")

xposs <- SF %>% 
  filter(grepl ("poss", original_crime_type_name)) %>% 
  mutate(cleaned = "possession")

xtrespasser <- SF %>% 
  filter(grepl ("601", original_crime_type_name)) %>% 
  mutate(cleaned = "trespasser")

xsolicit <- SF %>% 
  filter(grepl ("920", original_crime_type_name)) %>% 
  mutate(cleaned = "solicit")

xinterview <- SF %>% 
  filter(grepl ("909", original_crime_type_name)) %>% 
  mutate(cleaned = "interview")

xtent <- SF %>%
  filter(grepl ("tent", crime1)) %>%

xdog <- SF %>%
  filter(grepl ("dog", crime1)) %>%

xchopshop <- SF %>%
  filter(grepl ("chop shop", crime1)) %>%

xpanhandling <- SF %>%
  filter(grepl ("panhandling", crime1)) %>%

xmusic <- SF %>%
  filter(grepl ("music", crime1)) %>%

Create new dataframe using rbind

new_total <- rbind(xhomeless, x915, x919, xaggr, xdrug, xsleep, xnoise, xposs, xtrespasser, xsolicit, xinterview, xtent, xdog,
                   xchopshop, xpanhandling, xmusic)

Count it up!

Total_Calls_Master <- new_total %>% 
  count(cleaned) %>% 
#rename columns
colnames(Total_Calls_Master)[1:2] <- c("Complaints", "Number")
write_csv(Total_Calls_Master, "Total_Calls_Master.csv")

Make into html table

## Attaching package: 'kableExtra'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     group_rows
#This makes html tables called "kables"
Total_Calls_Master %>% 
  kable() %>%
Complaints Number
homeless_complaint 153895
sitting_lying 3282
solicit 262
trespasser 100
sleep 77
interview 75
drug 52
noise 27
aggressive 18
dog 12
tent 9
music 8
chopshop 7
panhandling 5
possession 5

Export from Viewer as .png

  • Task: Tabulate complaints by day of the week

SF <- SF %>% 
  mutate(weekday = wday(call_date, label=TRUE, abbr=FALSE))

Build a summary table with the days of the week with the greatest number of calls. Create a graphic. Then build a table to see if the complaints vary by day

Below from Matthew Moore, Katy Seiter, Wells edited

SF <- SF %>% 
  mutate(weekday = wday(call_date, label=TRUE, abbr=FALSE))

Weekday_Count <- SF %>%
  select(weekday, crime_id) %>%
  count(weekday) %>%

Graphic of calls by weekdays

Weekday_Count %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = weekday, y = n, fill=n)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", show.legend = FALSE) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90)) +
  #Changes angle of x axis labels
  #coord_flip() +    #this makes it a horizontal bar chart instead of vertical
  labs(title = "Homeless Calls By Weekday in San Francisco", 
       subtitle = "SF PD Service Call Data 2017-2019",
       caption = "Graphic by Moore and Seiter",
       y="Number of Calls",

Create a Bubble graphic

ggplot(data = Weekday_Count) + 
  geom_point(mapping = aes(x = weekday, y = n, size = n, color = n), show.legend = FALSE) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90)) +
  labs(title = "Homeless By Weekday in San Francisco", 
       subtitle = "SF PD Service Call Data 2017-2019: Source: SFPD",
       caption = "Graphic by Moore and Seiter",
       y="Number of Calls",

Improved bubble chart

ggplot(Weekday_Count, aes(x = weekday, y = n)) +
  xlab("Weekday") +
  ylab("Number of Calls") +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 12, base_family = "Georgia") +
  geom_point(aes(size = n, color = n), alpha = 0.7, show.legend = FALSE) +
  scale_size_area(guide = FALSE, max_size = 15) +
  labs(title = "Homeless By Weekday in San Francisco", 
       subtitle = "SF PD Service Call Data 2017-2019: Source: SFPD",
       caption = "Graphic by Moore and Seiter")

- Task #3: Calls vs Dispositions

What calls resulted in arrests? What calls resulted in citations?

Action2 <- SF %>%
  select(crime_id, original_crime_type_name, disposition) 

We need to pair the crime type and disposition and then count them

From Michael Adkison:

callsarrest <- Action2 %>% 
  filter(grepl("ARR", disposition)) %>% 
  mutate(cleaned = "Arrest")

To quickly format into percents, load formattable


callsarrest2 <- callsarrest %>% 
  arrange(original_crime_type_name, disposition) %>% 
  count(original_crime_type_name) %>% 
#mutate(PctTotal = (n/441)) %>% 

colnames(callsarrest2)[1:2] <- c("Complaints", "Arrests") 

Build a table to translate the Cop Speak to English:

clean <- c('Homeless Complaint'="homeless_complaint", homeless_complaint="homeless_complaint", '915'="homeless_complaint", 
           '919'="Sit_lying", '920'="Aggress_solicit", '915s'="homeless_complaint", '915x'="homeless_complaint", 
           drugs="drugs", '601'="trespasser", poss="poss", aggressive="aggressive", '811'="intoxicated", 
           'Drugs / 915'="Drugs", 'Drugs/915'="Drugs")

This scans “disposition”, finds ABA and replaces with Abated, finds ARR, replaces with Arrest, etc callsarrest2\(Complaints <- as.character(clean[callsarrest2\)Complaints])

callsarrest3 <- callsarrest2 %>% 
  select(Complaints, Arrests) %>% 
  group_by(Complaints) %>% 
  summarise(total = sum(Arrests)) %>% 
  mutate(PctTotal = (total/441)) %>% 

colnames(callsarrest3)[2] <- "Arrests" 
callsarrest3$PctTotal <- percent(callsarrest3$PctTotal)

#This makes kables
callsarrest3 %>% 
  kable() %>%
Complaints Arrests PctTotal
Homeless Complaint 412 93.42%
915 19 4.31%
919 4 0.91%
920 2 0.45%
601 / 915 1 0.23%
915 / 909 1 0.23%
Drugs / 915 1 0.23%
Drugs/915 1 0.23%
